Cleaning Your Energy Field with a Fire Pit

4d energy body fire cleansing mental body Jun 11, 2023

Fire has been used for centuries by our ancestors to clean their energy body or 4D field which surrounds the physical body. Our energy field holds our negative lower vibrational emotions. Getting next to a fire, whether it be a candle or a fire pit helps to clean the energy field which is also good for our physical body. Gathering around the fire pit is good for the family and can be quite peaceful and quiets the mind. I try to spend 90 minutes at least once a week with a fire pit and spend at least an hour every morning with candles as I do my morning prayers.

Dr. Jill Morris has been in private practice for over 30 years in the Sarasota area. She achieved accreditation with the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry® in 1999, a privilege shared by only 450 dentists worldwide. She is a fellow of the International Academy of Dental Facial Esthetics.

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